Saturday, February 23, 2013

Feeling like a fleshbag

     Hey there readers and non-readers!  I'm back again with another update on what's going on in my life.  Not much to tell actually, as I have been fighting a stomach bug that escalated up to me vomiting profusely for an entire day.  Yay...

     My workout routine has suffered greatly from this.  Seriously, how am I to reach 280 by April if I am going roughly 3 days a week!  Granted I have been going 4 days as of late, with Friday as a coin-toss as I work both jobs that day, yet I still feel like I wont be near where I want to be come April.  Anybody have any tips that can help me out beyond starving myself and working out til I faint?

     Seriously, I need advice.

Monday, February 11, 2013

And now, for something entirely different

     It has been a couple weeks since I have made my last remark, and in that time I have found myself more and more enthralled with something fabulous, and something fantastic.
Now, what is fabulous?  Why, nothing other than RuPauls Drag Race of course!  This season is already shaping up to be more intense than last.  It seems like a few of the past queens have come back in new form (Detox reminds me of Raja, Serena is another Phi Phi...ugh...and Jinx is kind of a mix between Sharon and Pandora) and I am somewhat grateful for that.  Granted each of the aforementioned people are their own person, style and grace upon the drag world, but they remind me of some of the more stand out queens of seasons past.  I am most certain I will enjoy this season far more than the others though, and the second episode has somewhat proven that belief.
     Now, onto something fantastic!  As some of you may have read (anybody?), I am trying to lose weight to become a far healthier person in the long run.  Well, I haven't exactly been going to the gym like I want to (struggling to get there 3 times a week due to some form of illness), but the nutritional side has had some massive achievements (for me at least).  I no longer crave most all the foods I used to, granted there are still some that I refuse to live without (Meatloaf, yum!).  Hopefully in the long run this will die down all together and just outright disappear for me.

     Other things that have been happening around me as of late are that I am the proud owner of some new tech that I am vastly enjoying currently, and hopefully this will also give me a far greater chance of accomplishing my blogging goals more so than what I am able to currently.

     So, to those that have read this, as well as those that may end up reading this in the future, later!